Friday, March 19, 2010


I have introduced a new product on my website ( called Floraderm. It is a specially formulated probiotic for optimal digestion and healthy skin. I have personally used this product for about 12 years and have found it essential for maintaining a clear complexion as well as healthy digestion.

What are Probiotics?
We all have beneficial bacteria normally found in our bodies, especially in our digestive tracts. These 'friendly' bacteria assist with digestion and help protect against harmful bacteria. "An estimated 100 trillion microorganisms representing more than 500 different species inhabit every normal, healthy bowel." (Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide:

Unfortunately, the diet and lifestyle of Americans has made most of us deficient in these helpful bacteria. One of the negative side effects of antibiotics is to kill off the good bacteria along with the bad. Birth control pills, white flour, processed foods and sugar all contribute to a gut environment hostile to these beneficial bacteria. This is a major contributing factor to the common problem of digestive complaints in the U.S. today. Taking probiotic supplements helps to build up a healthy supply of these 'friendly' bacteria in your intestines.

A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that you can treat and even prevent some illnesses with certain kinds of live bacteria. Researchers are finding encouraging evidence that probiotics may help:
  • Treat diarhhea
  • Treat IBS
  • Shorten the duration of intestinal infections
  • Prevent eczema in children
  • Contribute to immune function
Quality Matters
It is important to not just take any probiotic. many probiotic supplements have been shown not to actually retain the number of live bacteria claimed on their label. Dr. Shahani's probiotics are manufactured and packaged under rigorously strict conditions, guaranteeing the highest level of quality and delivery of healthy bacteria. Because of his pioneering research in the field of friendly bacteria or probiotics, Dr. Shahani is now respected as one of the most important figures in probiotic research.

How I Use Probiotics in My Family

I take several of these capsules a day. When I first started taking them, I had serious acne problems and regular stomach complaints. Because I was focusing on 'recolonizing' my intestinal tract, I started by taking more, and tapered down. Of all the methods I used to restore my health, this supplement was an essential ingredient that I still use today to maintain.

Whenever anyone in my family gets stomach complaints, I give them 1-2 capsules. Consider this as an alternative to Tums, PeptoBismal, antacids or any other over the counter stomach medicines. The great thing about probiotics however is there are no negative side effects, no rebound effects, no calcium leaching from the bones, etc. You are simply replacing an element in the body that you are deficient in, giving your body the chance to heal the problem from the inside out.

For my young children, I break the capsule apart and put it in applesauce or yogurt. When anyone is coming down with a cold I also give them a capsule a day for a few days as healthy bacteria have been shown to help keep harmful bacteria in check.

Sources; Helpful Links for Further Research:
The Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide:

Mayo Clinic

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pulling Weeds-Part 3

Visualize Cleaning it Up
Now that you have asked yourself these questions, what do you do with your discoveries? You are going to let go of the fears and false beliefs and fill in the spaces with truth, gratitude, hope, and the healing light of Christ.

This can be done in many ways. You can do it on your own or pay a professional for help. I love the methods of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Cranial Sacral Therapy combined with Guided Imagery. Reflexology or Zoning can also be helpful. Sometimes when we are stuck it's nice to get someone else involved so they can bulldoze away large amounts of garbage.

Most of the time I work on my own, using the techniques these professionals have taught me. Books have been written on these methods, but I will give you some brief ideas of how to start.

EFT is a method of emotional release with roots in acupressure. As I identify any fears or false beliefs, I first affirm my love and acceptance of myself in spite of these fears, then I release that which I no longer need or want, then I affirm the truth I would like to hold to.

All of this is done verbally while tapping on key pressure points. You can go to for all of those points, but a start would be tapping in the center of your chest just below your collarbone. This is a powerful center for emotion, as is the center of you forehead just above and between your eyebrows.

An example: "Even though I am afraid of failure right now, I completely and totally love and accept myself." Then: "I release the need to be afraid of failure". And finally: "I choose to have hope and faith, I choose to succeed."

EFT is a powerful method to use in conjunction with words affirming where we want to go. Make it more powerful by visualizing that which you no longer need leaving your body as you say the words. Also visualize the truths you are affirming adding light and power to your person.

Guided Imagery
Again, books have been written on this powerful healing technique. It is a method well worth your time to research and learn about. This is how I apply it when pulling weeds:

I ask the question, "Where in my body is this negative emotion residing?" My mind is always drawn to some part of my body at that point. It might be my lower leg, my upper back, my chest, my abdomen. I then focus my mind on this area and begin visualizing removing the mass of emotion or energy that is there residing.

You can picture removing this from your body in the best way that works for you. My children have visualized rocket ships flying to space and exploding, and bulldozers coming in and scooping it out. I usually make a pile next to me until it's all out after which I hand it over to God to take care of. Sometimes I get a little stuck, but have never faced anything that prayer and meditation couldn't remove.

It helps to put words on what you are removing. "This is the fear of failure." "This is the disappointment in how things have turned out so far." "This is the anger at ________ for __________." Make a great big pile and then release it, it isn't serving you to hold onto it.

If you ever get stuck, ask yourself how it is helping you to hold onto it. Whatever the answer is, work on healing that, using all of these same methods.

I always complete my session by visualizing truth in the form of brilliant, white light coming into my head and filling all the now empty spaces in my body. It pushes any remaining darkness out and helps me to really let go of whatever I had been holding on to.

Be Accountable for Change
Affirmations, EFT, and Guided Imagery combined with prayer and honest introspection will help to weed out doubts that you are ready to let go of. Using these methods will assist you in your steady progress towards change and healing. As you are changed on the inside, your circumstances will change as well.

Using these methods requires a sense of accountability for your life. It requires having the courage to look deep, to face fears and falsehoods, to leave current comfort zones and move into your dreams. Your consistent visualizations will bring to you these and many other solutions suited specifically to your needs and personality.

So next time you are faced with doubts and fears, rejoice! It's time to pull weeds! Your work will bring beautiful results and you will find yourself once again free of doubt and fear, operating in a vibration of faith!

Pulling Weeds-Part 2

When I find myself in a weed patch of fears and doubts, one of the first things I do is affirmations. Often those feelings of anxiety aren't based in anything serious and might be just as much a result of a bad night's sleep as anything else. So I identify what negative thoughts or feelings are in my head and work on affirming the opposite. These affirmations might be in words or in pictures (visualizations).

For example, if I'm feeling discouraged about not having healthy eating habits, I might affirm, "I care about my body. I enjoy healthy foods most. Even though I didn't eat healthy yesterday, I completely and totally love and accept myself." I strengthen affirmations like this with visualizing healthy foods that I really do love and putting some emotion behind the words.

Most of the time, this step will get me out of my funk and back into a hopeful, grateful vibration. But sometimes it goes deeper than this.

Create Some Quiet, Alone Time
If I have attempted to feel better using brief affirmations without much success, that indicates to me that I may have some weeds to pull.

I try to find 30 minutes or so of quiet alone time. Sometimes it takes a couple of days before I achieve this, but I try to do it as soon as I can. In the meantime, I pay attention to those feelings, I don't dismiss them or bury them, I release them. It's kind of like those feelings are trying to tell me something, and in the back of my mind I'm always listening, trying to understand the message.

When you have found a quiet moment to be alone, lie down and start taking a look at those feelings. Ask yourself questions, and pay close attention to the first thought that comes to you mind in response. Be open to wherever your thoughts may lead you. Here are some starter questions:
  • What am I feeling?
  • Why am I feeling this way?
  • When did this start? or What triggered this?
  • Are there any memories from my childhood or my past that come to mind when I ponder this feeling and situation?
  • What am I afraid of?
  • What false beliefs am I subscribing to right now?
  • Where in my body is most of this emotion centered? (this may seem like a strange question to those of you who are still learning to be in tune to your body, but you will be surprised at how obvious the answers are when you ask the question...)
  • Do I have fears or concerns regarding deserving?
  • What is my payoff for holding onto this? or How is it serving me to hold to this, how is it keeping me safe?
Try very hard to think only of yourself. Don't allow yourself to place blame or responsibility on anyone else. Do not waste any energy thinking of changes you would like others to make. If other people come into your mind during this process, observe with a sense of detachment your thoughts and feelings regarding them.

Do not berate yourself for anything you are feeling or believing. Treat yourself as you would a beloved 3 year old child who has come to you with deep fears and concerns. Surround yourself with safety and love and faith that you will be able to work through this and with God's help, heal it. Think in terms of learning, understanding, forgiving, releasing, healing. Know that He is by your side in this journey, the Great Physician.

As you ponder the above and other questions, hopefully you will learn some important things about yourself and where you are at in the process of creating what you desire. Try to connect the dots between these feelings, memories, and beliefs and your current circumstances. This is how you can prepare for your gardening.