My favorite supplement of ALL time! Starting reliv was seriously the beginning of getting my life back. I will never forget one spring day after having been on the product long enough to see serious results. I was dropping my daughter off at her dance class and it had been a busy day and I FELT GREAT! My mom had been the one who bugged me and bugged me until I finally started taking it. I remember that day calling my mom and crying and saying, "Thank you for giving me my life back." How sappy is that? But totally the truth. If you've lost your health, and then gotten it back, you know it's not sappy, it's just SO COOL!
I seriously doubt anyone reading this could be more skeptical than I was before I started taking reliv. I was convinced that anyone selling supplements was a crook and a scam artist, they only wanted my money, it was too expensive, it was too good to be true, etc. etc. etc. Fortunately, I have a very bossy mom. She pretty much wouldn't leave me alone, very effectively using the 'reliv system' to get me started. What is the reliv system? It is an amazing, catalogued network of people willing to talk to you on the phone who have dealt with the same health issues you have, thus establishing hope, and a personalized protocol for you. The thing I love about this system, is that most of these people aren't even in your upline, so they have no vested interest in you buying the product, it's just been established within the company that people help each other get well. This isn't that hard to believe because anyone who's been unhealthy and then gets healthy, is usually so excited about it, they want to help others. I learned later, as I studied mind, body, healing, that establishing hope was probably a big part of reliv's success. As the hope worked together with the amazing product, great results were achieved. Reliv has a high ethic of what a distributor/customer relationship should be. The distributor is expected to work closely with the customer, helping them through whatever bumps they may encounter on their road to healing. The goal is more about results for the customer, than high product movement for the distributor. For that reason, you can't just log onto Reliv.com and order product, nor will you ever find reliv in a store of any kind. It has only been recently that Reliv has started allowing their distributors to sell their product online, so concerned are they that a consistent, supportive relationship ensues between distributor and customer.
It is not unusual for a person starting Reliv to experience some detox. Mine was pretty intense. If I didn't have my mom (also my distributor) scouring the system through her upline for people to support me and answer my questions, I would definitely have quit the product. They told me I was going through a 'healing crisis'. Uh-huh. That's a convenient response for you to give me when I tell you that your product is making me FEEL LIKE CRAP! Well, that was about 6 years ago when nobody I knew had ever heard of a 'healing crisis', and detox was generally something you heard about people getting off of drugs. Nowadays everybody wants to detox and 'healing crisis' seems pretty logical. Luckily, I stuck through it and found that a 'healing crisis' is a legitimate step in the healing process. My body felt like crap because of all the crap I was dumping! I only felt really yucchy for 3-4 weeks, and from then on it was steady improvement. Within 3 months after starting the product I felt that I had a new lease on life. It was truly incredible. I had never in my adult life been in good health, so it was like getting glasses for the first time, stepping outside and seeing that the trees have individual leaves. It was so awesome. And yes, you cynics out there, I still take reliv and I still feel great!
The Cost
If you decide that you want to try reliv, definitely work with a distributor. Most people start with their main product, Classic. They usually combine that with Innergize. I also started with Fibrestore. Reliv products are soy based.
Because of the poor health I was in, it was recommended that I take 3-4 times the maintenance amount. At that time the maintenance amount cost about $70 a month retail. I didn't even feel justified spending that. But I did go ahead and start out with d double dose to accelerate my healing. I got into my 'healing crisis' and was strongly encouraged to increase. I think the most I ever took was 3 times the regular amount. Everybody kept promising me I wouldn't have to keep taking that much, which I was counting on because it was breaking the bank! They were right. Once I got feeling better I cut back to the double dose. I did the double dose for a couple of years. During that time I was aggressive with my mind/body healing and now I only require the maintenance dose.
So, yes, it is an investment. And you have to get to the point where your health is that important to you. What's more important, that new car with the hefty payment, or your health? We usually can find a way to improve our circumstances if we are truly committed.
Why does it work? (And is it too good to be true?)
One of my concerns before I started using Classic is that people were claiming it healed everything from diabetes to MS to bipolar. I thought to myself, nothing is that good! It's not even logical! Well, turns out, it is, and here's why. It isn't the reliv healing you, IT'S YOUR BODY! How cool is that? I had very suspiciously asked my dad, a pharmacist, "What's in this stuff? What's the magical ingredient that is so powerful it can heal all these diseases?" He explained it this way, "I don't know if it's necessarily that there's some unusual ingredient, I think it's more the delivery. Our bodies are undernourished, so they are manifesting all these diseases and are unable to do what they were programmed to do, heal. So, when we give them this nutrition in such an efficient way, our bodies suddenly start doing what they are supposed to be doing." So many of our vitamins are sitting in the sewers in their original form. Yes, you ate it, and it passed right through you! It didn't do you any good! But reliv is an awesome nutritional supplement that is absorbed into your cells within 15 minutes. Your body is doing a celebration dance inside and sending out the newly energized reinforcements to do what they do best.
Innergize (besides making Classic more palatable...I'll admit it, it's nasty!), is loaded with vitamin C and hydrates the cells. I love it, and often drink it plain or give it to my kids when they are sick and need a tasty nutritious liquid.
Fibrestore is an awesome fiber supplement that cleanses and detoxifies at the cellular level. It is my best friend. Seriously.
Reliv has many other products, especially some great ones for kids. But those are the main ones I have used and have experience with. You name it, Reliv can help you with it. I'm not seeking out new customers right now, but if you come to me, I'm happy to support you or refer you to someone who can. Call 801-451-9421 if you want to give it a try.
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