We may start the holidays with a desire to eat healthy and stay trim, but in the end if we desire three servings of pumpkin cheesecake more than we desire good health, which do you think will win out?
It always seem a more effective use of energy for me to work on change from the inside out rather than attempt to have iron discipline. I don't really like to be 'iron disciplined' by anyone-not even myself! Do you?
In my last post I talked about the importance of establishing a need when attempting fundamental change. The second and third steps Fournier taught were Desire and Vivid Vision. Keep in mind that each step enhances the one before and after it. So pumping up your desire will increase your feeling of need and establishing a valid need will naturally increase your desire.
I want to mention both steps two and three together because one of the best methods for increasing your desire is to work on your vivid vision.
Spend time each day visualizing how your life will look when making healthy choices is a consistent part of your life. Visualize yourself reaching into the fridge and grabbing fixings for a salad. Picture yourself with high energy, bright eyes, clear skin, or whatever motivates you to eat healthy and exercise. Make sure you can see it in great detail.
The stronger your vision is, the greater your desire will be. Continue to refer to your cost/payoff list so that the need remains strong in your heart and mind.
Although discipline will always be required with making healthy choices, you will find greater success and victory if you take these steps this holiday season. Each of these steps will ultimately lead to a passionate commitment which requires less discipline than a weak commitment to something you know you should do but don't really want to do.
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