Visualize Cleaning it Up
Now that you have asked yourself these questions, what do you do with your discoveries? You are going to let go of the fears and false beliefs and fill in the spaces with truth, gratitude, hope, and the healing light of Christ.
This can be done in many ways. You can do it on your own or pay a professional for help. I love the methods of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Cranial Sacral Therapy combined with Guided Imagery. Reflexology or Zoning can also be helpful. Sometimes when we are stuck it's nice to get someone else involved so they can bulldoze away large amounts of garbage.
Most of the time I work on my own, using the techniques these professionals have taught me. Books have been written on these methods, but I will give you some brief ideas of how to start.
EFT is a method of emotional release with roots in acupressure. As I identify any fears or false beliefs, I first affirm my love and acceptance of myself in spite of these fears, then I release that which I no longer need or want, then I affirm the truth I would like to hold to.
All of this is done verbally while tapping on key pressure points. You can go to for all of those points, but a start would be tapping in the center of your chest just below your collarbone. This is a powerful center for emotion, as is the center of you forehead just above and between your eyebrows.
An example: "Even though I am afraid of failure right now, I completely and totally love and accept myself." Then: "I release the need to be afraid of failure". And finally: "I choose to have hope and faith, I choose to succeed."
EFT is a powerful method to use in conjunction with words affirming where we want to go. Make it more powerful by visualizing that which you no longer need leaving your body as you say the words. Also visualize the truths you are affirming adding light and power to your person.
Guided Imagery
Again, books have been written on this powerful healing technique. It is a method well worth your time to research and learn about. This is how I apply it when pulling weeds:
I ask the question, "Where in my body is this negative emotion residing?" My mind is always drawn to some part of my body at that point. It might be my lower leg, my upper back, my chest, my abdomen. I then focus my mind on this area and begin visualizing removing the mass of emotion or energy that is there residing.
You can picture removing this from your body in the best way that works for you. My children have visualized rocket ships flying to space and exploding, and bulldozers coming in and scooping it out. I usually make a pile next to me until it's all out after which I hand it over to God to take care of. Sometimes I get a little stuck, but have never faced anything that prayer and meditation couldn't remove.
It helps to put words on what you are removing. "This is the fear of failure." "This is the disappointment in how things have turned out so far." "This is the anger at ________ for __________." Make a great big pile and then release it, it isn't serving you to hold onto it.
If you ever get stuck, ask yourself how it is helping you to hold onto it. Whatever the answer is, work on healing that, using all of these same methods.
I always complete my session by visualizing truth in the form of brilliant, white light coming into my head and filling all the now empty spaces in my body. It pushes any remaining darkness out and helps me to really let go of whatever I had been holding on to.
Be Accountable for Change
Affirmations, EFT, and Guided Imagery combined with prayer and honest introspection will help to weed out doubts that you are ready to let go of. Using these methods will assist you in your steady progress towards change and healing. As you are changed on the inside, your circumstances will change as well.
Using these methods requires a sense of accountability for your life. It requires having the courage to look deep, to face fears and falsehoods, to leave current comfort zones and move into your dreams. Your consistent visualizations will bring to you these and many other solutions suited specifically to your needs and personality.
So next time you are faced with doubts and fears, rejoice! It's time to pull weeds! Your work will bring beautiful results and you will find yourself once again free of doubt and fear, operating in a vibration of faith!
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